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Obra de teatro "Bible Day" Grado 1°

Foto del escritor: Paola SarmientoPaola Sarmiento

Actualizado: 27 oct 2018

Aquí encontrarás el guión de la obra de teatro que interpretaremos en Bible Day. Busca tu personaje y memoriza tus lineas. Recuerda que en clase estaremos practicando la pronunciación, así que con mucha atención y buena actitud estarás listo para dar lo mejor de ti....LUCES...CÁMARA...ACCIÓN¡¡



Our story begins with a super strong man named Samson. One day, a woman named Aggadah received a message from God:

God: woman, your son is been chosen to be great and save Israel. He must not cut his hair, drink wine and be bad.

Aggadah (mother): My Lord, I will do as you say. I will take care of him.

Narrator: Samsung grew up and became a big, strong man who defended his people.

Samson: I am Samson, I am Big and Strong, I defend my people and I serve God.

Narrator: One day, Samson went to the forest and there he met a special girl…

Dalilah: Hello my friends¡¡¡

Friends: Hello Dalilah, Let’s go to the park.

Dalilah: Look, there is a big boy there, hello, how are you? I am Delilah, what is your name?

Samson: My name is Samson.

Friends: Hello Samson: your hair is very long

Narrator: They were playing very happy in the forest when the Philistines showed up…

Captain: Look boys, there is Samson, the big soldier from Israel. Let’s go get him…

Philistines: Yes¡ let’s go¡¡¡

Narrator: The Philistines tried to fight with Samson but he had the victory because he was very strong.

Philistines: He is very strong¡¡¡¡ we can win him¡¡¡

Captain: Dalilah you must help us and discover the secret of his strength.

Dalilah: Samson, why are you so strong?

Hebrews: no, Don’t tell her Samson¡¡¡

Narrator: Samson and Delilah became really good friends and after she beg him for days and days, he finally told her the secret of his strength.

Delilah: Please, please, please.

Samson: Ok, I can’t cut my hair or I will lose my strength. I am tired. I will go to sleep.

Narrator: When he felt asleep, Delilah and her friends cut his hair with a pair of scissors and he woke up very week.

Samson: My strength is gone¡¡¡

Hebrews: Oh no¡¡ he is not strong¡¡¡ let’s run….

Narrator: the Philistines took Samson and put him into jail. When he was restrain he Pray to God for help.

Samson: God Please Help me…

Narrator: God gave him back his strength and he pulled the columns and brought the house down with all the Philistines. That way God saved Israel again.


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