Este es el guión de la representación que haremos en la celebración de Bible day. Busca tu personaje y memoriza tu linea y listo¡¡¡ LUCES...CÁMARA...ACCIÓN¡¡
(The story of Daniel)
[Play opens with Daniel sitting at a desk writing and occasionally daydreaming out the window]
Narrator:Once there was a young man named Daniel who was very loyal to God.The kingdom where Daniel lived was ruled by a king, a not completely unkind king, but one who didn't understand Daniel's God.Neither did the king's many officials.
[Enter large group of officials.]
Official 1: we don’t like that Daniel is a friend of the King.
Official 2: Daniel is different, always praying to his God and stuff.
Official 3: Let’s ask the king to make a new rule.
Babylonian Princess 4: Anybody who prayed to anybody except their king should be thrown into a pit full of hungry lions.
Babylonian Princess 5: Let’s go tell the king our new idea.
Narrator: Meanwhile, Daniel went about his business as usual. Oh, he knew about the new rule, all right. But that didn't stop him from going upstairs in his house, 3 times a day, to the window that faced Jerusalem.
Angel 1: Daniel is kneeling and saying his prayers.
Angel 2: the window is big and is open,¡¡
Angel 3: Oh no¡¡¡ The king’s officials will see him¡¡¡
King: Bring Daniel to me. I’m sorry about this because I like Daniel. But rules are rules, and Daniel would have to be thrown in with the lions.
Narrator: So at the king's command, Daniel was tossed into a pit with the hungry lions. Now the king was really sad. Daniel was his friend.
But God had sent an angel to watch over Daniel and protect him, because God knew Daniel hadn't done anything wrong
God: Don’t worry Daniel. I will help you. Angels¡ go close the lion’s mouth¡.
Angle 6: Let’s go Angels¡¡¡
Narrator: And the angels closed the lion’s mouth and they were like little cats. A woman saw him and took him food.
Food Woman: Hello Daniel, here is some fruit for you¡¡
Angel 7: Look¡ the lions didn't hurt him one bit.
Narrator: Daniel went to sleep with the lions and in the morning the king hurried off to the lions' den.
Babylonian women: Daniel! Are you all right? Did your God save you?
Daniel: Good morning. I'm okay. The lions didn't hurt me. They were like kittens
Narrator: Daniel climbed out and told the king how an angel had appeared in the lions' den and kept him company.
King: Dan. I'm so glad you're alive.
Narr: The king told the mean officials that the only thing they were good for was feeding lions. Daniel kept his job and figured out lots more dreams for lots more kings and worked on his book. THE END